We had our third ASDF Happy Hour Sunday at 7:00 pm and we had a record attendance. Eight members logged in for the session. Sensei Mike McGee led a great discussion centering around the idea of “spirit” in the martial arts … as in Body, Mind, and Spirit.

It turned into a pretty deep discussion as we looked at the idea of martial spirit and personal development from the point of Uechi-ryu Karate, Shunpookan Aikido, and Isshin-ryu Karate. As would be expected there was a lot of common ground with some interesting differences expressed by some of those participating.

Everyone enjoyed the discussion and had a really great time. If you get a chance, please join us. The Happy Hour is every third Sunday of the month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm EST and is open to all ASDF members and their guests.